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Veterinary Cleanpill Tablets against the African swine fever virus

January 2019.- Orache Desinfection already has the trial report with the test of activity Virucidal with the product “Tablets CLEANPILL Veterinary ” against the virus of African swine fever (according to the norm une-EN 14675:2015).










African swine Fever (PPA) is a disease of viral origin, discovered for the first time in Kenya in 1910. For the control of the disease it is essential to control access to livestock facilities and an extreme cleaning of facilities and vehicles, including disinfection of boots, truck cages, as well as reducing access to external services. It is also advisable to use hot water under pressure and disinfection in the cleaning of installations and tools.

Conclusions of the trial with the test of virucidal activity: the product Tablets CLEANPILL Veterinary, in conditions of high soil to the concentration of 80% and 50%, with a contact time of 30 minutes, has activity against the virus of the African swine fever When evaluated using the virus subrogation Vaccinia Poxvirus, and has general virucidal activity in the veterinary area, when it is evaluated with bovine Enterovirus type 1 (ATCC VR-248), according to the norm une-en 14675:2015. The product is prepared by dissolving 2 tablets in 1 litre of water.